How to Burn Fat in Five Simple Steps

To burn fat, you need to create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn. This can be achieved mathematically by calculating your daily energy expenditure (DEE) and adjusting your diet and exercise routine accordingly. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR): This is the number of calories your body burns at rest to maintain basic functions like breathing, circulation, and cell production. You can use an online calculator or the Harris-Benedict equation to estimate your BMR based on your age, height, weight, and gender.

  2. Determine your activity level: Your DEE also includes calories burned through physical activity. To estimate this, multiply your BMR by a factor based on your activity level:

  • Sedentary (little or no exercise): BMR x 1.2
  • Lightly active (1-3 days of exercise per week): BMR x 1.375
  • Moderately active (3-5 days of exercise per week): BMR x 1.55
  • Very active (6-7 days of exercise per week): BMR x 1.725
  • Extremely active (intense exercise daily): BMR x 1.9
  1. Calculate your daily calorie needs: Add the calories you burn through physical activity to your BMR to get your DEE. This is the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than your DEE. A deficit of 500-1000 calories per day can help you lose 1-2 pounds per week.

  2. Track your calorie intake: Use a food diary or a calorie tracking app to monitor your daily calorie intake. Make sure to measure portion sizes and read food labels to accurately track your calories.

  3. Adjust your diet and exercise routine: To create a calorie deficit, you can either reduce your calorie intake, increase your physical activity, or do both. Aim to eat a balanced diet that includes lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Incorporate strength training and cardio exercises to help burn fat and build muscle.

It's important to note that while a pound of body fat may contain anywhere from 3,436 to 3,752 calories it is wrong to assume that just eating 500 fewer calories a day (3500 per week) causes weight loss of one pound per week consistently. Rather, as you lose weight, the body will soon adapt by making you burn fewer calories which will in turn lead you to losing less weight over time. For this reason its a good idea to add other calories burning methods to your routine such as walking, weightlifting, or cycling. Consulting a registered dietitian or personal trainer can help you create a personalized weight loss plan that fits your individual needs and goals.